iEatery Blog


এটি একটি ঠান্ডা ডেজার্ট যা বিভিন্ন প্রকারের ফল, দুধ, এবং বাদাম থেকে তৈরি করা ...

বেগুন দিয়ে ইলিশ মাছের ঝোল

ইলিশ মাছের টুকরোগুলো পরিষ্কার করে হলুদ গুঁড়া ও লবণ দিয়ে মেরিনেট করুন...

Tasty Haleem Recipe

Haleem is a delicious and tasty food made by blending different types of lentils, wheat, meat, and hot spices together, and cooking them for a long time with plenty of water. When the water reduces, a...

Delicious Bengali Fish Curry

Bengali's love of fish is not new. We are Bengalis in fish and rice. We love to eat fish. Fish farming is very high in our country. From a country where no meal is complete without fish curry, the sta...

Discover the Deliciousness of kacchi biryani

Kacchi Biriyani is a traditional dish in south Asia. It is a unique mixture of spices, vegetables, and meat that is cooked in a sealed pot over slow heat. This dish has been around for centuries and i...

Best Pizza Places In Uttara

Pizza was invented 7000 years ago in Italy. Until now Pizza is one of our most popular dishes on Earth. In terms of popularity, It never came down the list in fast food. Although it was invented in I...


Uttara is a great place for foodies looking for homemade dishes. There are countless home-cooked meals to choose from in this bustling city, so it can be hard to narrow down the list. But fear not! We...

Fifa World Cup 2022

২০শে নভেম্বর কাতার বনাম ইকুয়েডর ম্যাচ দিয়ে মাঠে গড়াচ্ছে ফিফা ওয়ার্ল্ড কাপ...

প্রাকৃতিক ভিটামিন ট্যাবলেট কাজুবাদা

প্রথমে বলতে চাই যে, যত ধরনের খাবার আছে, তার মধ্যে বাদাম অত্যন্ত পুষ্টিকর বা ভ...

How to Make a Burger

Making a perfect burger is all about getting the right ratio of meat to fat, and then cooking it to perfection. Here's a step-by-step guide to making the perfect burger.....

Food Courts in Uttara

Uttara is a busy place. The market stalls are packed from morning till night, and the rush hour traffic doesn’t let up until late into the night. But that doesn’t mean the food courts in U...

How to Eat During the Holy Month of Ramadan

Ramadan, also known as the month of fasting, is one of the most restrictive diets that one can follow. The month of fasting requires people to drastically reduce their diet in the hope of fasting to c...

Total: 17